

It's saturday saturday, gotta get dow.... No, I won't go down that way. So today it's Valborg and I'm not really sure why we celebrate this day. I think I read something about witchcraft or some kind of pagan feast in Germany? I don't know. In Sweden, Valborg is the feast of alcoholic beverages and fire. I'm (Anders) is spending Valborg in Stockholm eating good food, drinking VVine. Don't ask me what the rest are doing.

Another thing, we were suppose to finnish the EP yesterday but our technician cancelled so we'll have to wait until next week or we have to find someone else to master it.

/Lé Redaqteur

Photo: Roger Lysén


streamed concert

We've been asked to play a live streamed concert from Leksand ---> Sthlm.
Alot of work is yet to be done but that would be a really big thing to do.
Of course you will be able to watch it online if you're not able to be where
the concert is filmed.

Photo: Roger Lysén


the black ?

Almost 1/3 of the good bands right now is named something with "black" or "the black".
the Black Keys, Black Mountain, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Black Box Revelation, the Black Angels and so on. Lé Black Betre ! Maybe that's the road to success ?

The days are passing by real fast at the moment. Only two days left now, mastering the EP. I know I've said it like ten times now but we're so glad the EP's almost done. Five bluesy rock n' rollers.

- I got lungs
- The machine
- Sweet Nancy
- By the great white lights
- The sun (it's on Youtube weeeeyo) ----> link

The EP is now named and it will be called "A bat and a unicorn". The story behind that name is hilarious by the way.

/ Lé Redaqteur


the gardner

Things are going pretty slow for us right now. We're spread out over the country because of school. This Friday three of us will be going back to the studio, finishing the EP! Bloody hell it will be awesome to have FIVE songs on a record.
"Allt som är tufft" translation --> "Everything that is rough" (?) wrote a short notice about us last week I think.
Here is the link.

As I wrote earlier things are pretty slow paced right now. Maybe we need someone to book gigs and set up meetings with important people to get this bus rolling. If you know anyone who is not suitable for the job, please don't contact us. If you do know someone, please do. Why am I even writing a blog post.. This is useless garbage. I think a member should get to write the next post, not me, Im just a simple gardner from the Betre family.

/Lé Redaqteur



"En i Lé Betre vill göra ett uttalande här på Lé Blog. Det cirkulerar rykten om att vi lirar för att det vore Roligt!(?). Vi vill Starkt dementera detta och förtydliga varför vi spelar musik. Det finns EN anledning.. Att komma närmare Tove Styrke"

/Lé Redaqteur


studio session

Yesterday we went to a studio in Falun. We had time to record five songs and one of them is now mixed and mastered! The name of the song: THE SUN and it will be posted on Youtube tonight, be sure to listen and share with all your friends if you like it. Thanks to Gustav Look for helping us out with the recording and mixing.  


Jonas Collberg

Yesterday we recieved the sketches on our upcoming shirts. Hopefully we will be wearing them for our next gig. The designer is Jonas Collberg. They're looking dirty, that's how we like it. We're really looking forward to the shirts, the sketches looks Really rough.

Check out the future icon HERE

/Lé Redaqteur



Only four days left. Change of plans, instead of 00-16 we will be recording the EP 06-18. We'll record as many songs possible. The current name is M********s. Up for some Hangman?

This weekend our drumboy went to Scotland & England to find some inspiration while watching soccer drinking some pints. The lead singer went to clean out his old home in Arboga. The guitarist went to Stockholm, got an internship @TeWonder and got to spend some time with his love. The only one left alone at home was bassist Roger, alone with his guitar he hopefully created a monster riff, a drum line and some vocals. If so, great job Roger! If not, we settle with 12 songs.

Tomorrow we will begin the final preparations.

/Lé Redaqteur